Sunday, March 23, 2008

Coloring Eggs

So this is what we did on our Easter weekend at grandma and grandpa's house, from Hatton. I have lots of pictures. We had lots of fun coloring three dozen eggs and yes I said three dozen, that was not a mistake. Believe me, it kept us busy. But it was a lot of fun.
Wyatt and Dylan were fasinated by the steam while we were boiling the eggs. I was just worried about all 36 eggs getting done all at the same time. Don't worry they were all fine. Wyatt tried telling Dylan to put his hand in the steam and it wouldn't hurt. I wasn't very happy with that idea. It wasn't very long before Wyatt did it himself and decided that it didn't feel very good. Now this was kind of funny.

Dylan is such a great big brother he could have ignored his little sister and got more eggs done, but instead he helped her with all the eggs. I was so proud of him.
Ryder didn't get in on too much of the action but he was a good cheerleader.
What cute kids we have. Didn't they do such a great job? I love my babies so much!!!
This is my baby after all the eggs were colored and everyone was in bed and he couldn't wait for mommy any longer. Poor boy!!!

1 comment:

Lacey said...

What cute kids! I love the pic of Dylan helping Kylee, she just has this look of wonder and concentration. I sure missed being there with you guys... by the way, what are you feeding those kids? They look older since I saw them last, and it hasn't been that long!