Saturday, March 8, 2008

My baby is crawling!!!

Ryder is now 6 1/2 months and today he started crawling. This is not like maybe crawling this is like moving forward and getting what he wants. I can't believe he is moving. I have been waiting for him to start doing something, now that he is I find myself wondering if that is what I really wanted. He is our baby and it's hard to play outside and do big kid things with him being so little. He has also been such a mommys boy I can't get very far before he crys. With his new found freedom I think he will be a little happier. I guess we will see. Oh yea before I go Ryder has also been doing well sleeping at night too!!! Hooray for us.


Puhlman said...

Hey Kelly
So cool that he is crawling and even better that he is sleeping through the night.

Lacey said...

come on sis, more pics!! I know you have 4 great subjects to take pics of, and they are ALWAYS busy, so I don't believe that excuse. Grandma would really love a pic of Ryder, and updated of the others. Maybe when Ryders come in send grandma updates. So excited to see you so much this summer, YEA!